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David Barrett

David Barrett is Level Data's Digital Marketing Specialist, having joined the team in 2019. With a large family filled with teachers and school administrators, David brings a lifelong passion for education and a background in content creation and digital marketing to the table. His prior experience covers a diverse range of industries that includes real estate, eCommerce and freelancing for nonprofits and small businesses. In addition to digital marketing, David is an accomplished photographer, coffee-enthusiast and self-professed creative nerd.

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3 min read

Digital Haves and Have-Nots: Tech Equity and Learning in the Face of a Pandemic

By David Barrett on September 24, 2020 at 3:17 PM

As the coronavirus pandemic swept across the nation, schools everywhere were discovering a somber truth - many people within their districts couldn’t count on a reliable internet connection. One district in rural Texas located due-South of the Greater Austin area found that 1-in-3 people, counting staff and students alike, lived in “dead zones” without internet or cell service. They were completely cut-off from the digital world at home through no fault of their own and falling behind because of it.

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3 min read

Poor Account Provisioning Could Be a Threat to Your Schools

By David Barrett on June 19, 2020 at 8:30 AM

Education is unique among industry sectors because of the extreme rate of turnover. When viewed from a 30,000-foot perspective, the "churn-rate" for students enrolling, transferring, dropping out or graduating from even a modestly sized district is enough to eclipse all but the biggest multinational companies. Add in the rate of burnout for educators - roughly 50% of teachers leave the field within their first 5 years - and it's plain to see why having a holistic account provisioning plan is critical for a district's technology infrastructure, digital security and user access plans. 

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3 min read

Is Your School Online Privacy An Afterthought?

By David Barrett on February 26, 2020 at 8:34 AM

According to a recent study, a majority of surveyed districts used at least 26 different software applications to meet the needs of their needs. The demands of the front office are wholly different than the needs of a teacher's gradebook, the lunchroom's food service database and the transportation department's CRM. With a smattering of different systems employed, a range of potential security risks is all but inevitable. 

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5 min read

Network Account Provisioning Made Easy with Level Data

By David Barrett on January 16, 2020 at 11:38 AM

The majority of school districts in the United States employ at least 26 different software platforms or applications to meet the functional demands of their district. Trying to manually guide data across so many platforms while maintaining the accuracy and integrity of that information would require hours of work from a dedicated team - time and resources that many districts simply can’t afford to sacrifice on peripheral tasks. 

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4 min read

How Districts Maximize Their Free and Reduced Lunch Funding

By David Barrett on January 6, 2020 at 11:12 AM

Maximizing school district funding value is crucial in the education landscape of today. School districts work hard to ensure that every penny of available reimbursement dollars is fully accounted for.

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