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Modernize District Planning with Darlington County Schools and Glimpse

April 17, 2024 at 5:26 PM

In the fast-paced world of educational technology, the quest for effective and strategic planning solutions that drive positive student outcomes has never been more crucial. Recently, we hosted an illuminating virtual chat (with the help from one of our distinguished customers) that unveiled the transformative power of Glimpse by Level Data, a cutting-edge tool designed to optimize school planning strategies and enhance student success.

So, let's jump right into the key insights and highlights from this engaging conversation. Meet the Experts

Our chat featured two distinguished speakers:

Benjamin BrownUntitled (380 x 380 px) (8)-1

Title: Chief Technology Officer, Darlington County Schools

Benjamin was deeply involved in implementing Glimpse within Darlington County Schools in South Carolina, leveraging its capabilities to enhance budgeting and resource allocation for academic success.

Jessica WilliamsUntitled (380 x 380 px) (9)-2

Title: Account Executive, Level Data

Jessica oversees the adoption of Glimpse by educational institutions, helping schools harness its analytics and reporting features to optimize budgeting decisions. 

Key Insights from the Webinar 

Budget Optimization and ROI Analysis

Benjamin highlighted the critical role of Glimpse in optimizing school budgets based on Return on Investment (ROI) principles. By analyzing expenditure data and academic outcomes, Glimpse enabled his district to allocate resources more strategically, maximizing the impact on student success.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Jessica emphasized the importance of data-driven decision-making in education. Glimpse empowers educators and administrators with real-time reports and analytics, enabling them to evaluate the effectiveness of academic resources and make informed adjustments.

Implementation Process and Analytics

During the webinar, the speakers discussed the implementation process of Glimpse and its seamless integration with existing student data systems like PowerSchool.

“As educators, we are sometimes made promises by some vendors, and it doesn’t pan out. They told us they would pick up some of the heavy lifting, which they did...One of the easiest implementation processes I’ve been through in my 25 years in public education,” said Benjamin.

Academic Resource Optimization

Glimpse goes beyond traditional budgeting tools by focusing on academic resource optimization. Schools can use Glimpse's reports to evaluate the efficacy of educational programs and make data-driven adjustments to enhance student outcomes.

“We started to dive into the achievement piece, the return on instruction, which is what we’re here for. We’re here to educate students and empower them. So at the end of the day, that is our goal,” said Benjamin.

Evaluation and Positive Student Outcomes

Our speakers highlighted success stories where Glimpse led to measurable improvements in student outcomes. By evaluating budgeting decisions and academic resource allocations, schools can achieve positive outcomes and foster a culture of continuous improvement. 

Embracing Strategic Decisions with Glimpse

In conclusion, the Glimpse webinar showcased the transformative potential of data-driven budgeting in education. By leveraging Glimpse's analytics and optimization features, schools can navigate budgetary challenges more effectively and ultimately enhance student success.

“The district needed something to guide them and give them rich data to make the best decisions. Now with Glimpse, we have the data and know what to do with it. This is a place everyone from my team can go in and grab what they need to achieve our goals and our student goals,” said Benjamin.

For those interested in learning more, the full recorded webinar is available here

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